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What Is Biodiversity? 

The term “biodiversity” is a contraction of the phrase “biological diversity”. Biodiversity means the richness and variety of life – of genes, species and ecosystems which maintain the health of the earth and its people. The greater the variety of species, the healthier the biosphere. The biodiversity of an ecosystem contributes to the sustainability of that ecosystem. 

Explore the topics below to understand more about biodiversity and what you can do to make a difference. If you just want an overview, we suggest you start with Wildlife-friendly gardens. 

If you would like to submit photos or would be willing to write a blog on any of these topics we would love to hear from you – email

Did you know that Betchworth has a Biodiversity Project? It’s an important part of Re-Betchworth’s programme of voluntary work aimed at creating a healthier, more sustainable and regenerative future for the village of Betchworth and its environs and the people, animals and plants that live in the village. Visit the Re-Betchworth Biodiversity Project website for more information.

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