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Imagine a 4Bs Biodiversity Park - where do we start?

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Re-b Trustee, Norman Jackson, guest speaker at the very well-attended Betchworth Parish Council AGM on 25 March 2024, used the opportunity to give a short talk on the concept of establishing a local Biodiversity Park.

Norman wove together the idea that Parish Councils have a mandated duty for their area’s biodiversity which should also be shared by all citizens. He went on to underline that we have a duty to act responsibly for the people who will live in the parish in 50 or 100 years time. He argued that a Biodiversity Park and what would be required to sustain it, would enable Parish Councils and members of the community to give meaning and substance to their biodiversity duty. 

If you care about our local environment and how we can conserve and enhance local biodiversity in our beautiful villages - you're in the right place. You can read more about the bio-diversity project which has its own dedicated website - 4Bs Biodiversity Park, where you can also watch Norman's compelling introductory YouTube video.

This is a community-led initiative and he needs your support. If you have ideas, suggestions, points of view and/or want to get more involved do get in touch here. You'll find an invitation for interested residents to help explore the pros, cons, benefits and opportunities of establishing a Community Biodiversity Park.

We have already secured a £5,000 grant for the project, thanks to Norman Jackson's proposal (see our news article Norman's Win). The funding is provided by The National Lottery Community Fund, distributed by The Transition Network 's Transition Together initiative. We would like to thank all National Lottery players for making this possible.

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